New Company Alanté™ Brings Together a Full Suite of Tools for Healthcare Professionals

Alanté™, a new integrated virtual healthcare systemlaunched in 2021, has entered the market, offering asolution designed to elevate the patient experience. Although launching amid COVID-19, the company was born out of a larger mission to serve the aging and chronically ill in the place they likely feel the most comfortable—their home.

During the pandemic, high-risk groups became more dependent on technology for communicating with physicians and other caregivers. But the telemedicine systems that physicians use are often on different platforms, and therefore providers might not be able to easily access complete patient data. Alantéprovides an integrated virtual healthcare platform in combination with personal healthcare coordinators to deliver a seamless physician-driven care plan.

The value Alanté brings will live on long past the pandemic, because it provides a spectrum of services that empowers patients and informs physicians.

Poor communication is estimated to contribute to 66 percent of medical errors. Having a unified and easy-to-access solution results in better and faster care.

“When physicians and other healthcare workers get complete and current information and can easily communicate with patients, they’re able to deliver a higher quality of care,” said Alanté CEO Mark Hansen. “Access to data ultimately results in better and more timely treatment. Although this has been vital during the pandemic, sharing is critical at all phases of patient care—now and in the future.”

Alanté is tailored to chronically ill and aging patients. Comprehensive and current data lead to the development of effective patient care plans.

Alanté’s spectrum of services includes:

  • Personal Health Record
  • Telehealth/Telemedicine
  • Chronic Care Management
  • Remote Patient Monitoring
  • Palliative Care

A patient’s records and communications are aggregated in a cloud-based system, available 24/7, accessible by both patient and caregiver. Available via smartphone, tablet, laptop and desktop, the platform enables an approved party to see a patient’s complete healthcare picture and history, and collaborate on patient care solutions. A healthcare coordinator from Alanté administers the processes and records on behalf of all parties for an elevated level of care.

Alanté complies with HIPAA, ensuring patient and provider privacy.

Physicians and patients in Arizona, Washington and Oregon have already adopted Alanté’s spectrum of services, which can be used by all practice types nationally.

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