What is Alanté®?

For many patients and their families, particularly those receiving multiple types of care, communication becomes a cumbersome juggling act, in which they must coordinate with a multitude of people like primary care physician, specialist, hospitals, pharmacies, senior care communities, caregivers, and family members. This model not only poses headaches for patients and their families, but it also weakens their quality of care.

Alanté® is an integrated healthcare solution that fosters communication and collaboration between patients and healthcare providers. Through the physician-led creation of care plans and shared access to a personal health record (PHR), Alanté® cuts through siloes of patient information, allowing everyone––patients, providers, and families––to stay on the same page.

At Alanté®, our goal is to enrich the patient/physician relationship through advanced coordination and simplified care. Through our approach to healthcare, our patients experience greater health outcomes and more efficient care.

A Founder’s Story

For Alanté® CEO Mark Hansen, senior care is personal

The son of a small-town doctor, Hansen founded Alanté® as a virtual healthcare solution that aims to create both better quality of life for the patient, and peace of mind for the family. Alanté® is built around the premise that state-of-the-art healthcare can be done—virtually.

Contact Alanté® For More Information

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